After combining them and saving as a PDF (default settings), Kindle rejects the PDF stating that they contain "Transparencies". Then I had to bring them into Acrobat to create one combined PDF file. "Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers" - UNCHECKED (which is what I understand "Flattens" the artwork?)īy that process alone, I would assume they would be Amazon KDP compatible. "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" - UNCHECKED
I'm using Acrobat Pro DC and files from Adobe Illustrator 2020. Is there general guidlines or tips on saving a combined file PDF from Illustrator PDF files? When I try again, even starting a new combined files project, all of my preflight buttons are greyed out and won't let me scan or save. The first time, it worked without a problem and noted numerous transparencies but I only chose for it to review the problems, not fix them. I'm completely green in Acrobat, so I have no idea what I'm doing but I've since created a new combined file of all the pages and tried to run a "Preflight" for printing prep. However, when I upload that one PDF, Kindle's preflight gives errors of "transparencies". I had no trouble combining all of the pages to one master PDF and saving the combined files as a new PDF. This is per their suggested technical notes. I've saved each individual page (file) as a PDF/X-1a (2003) with "Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities" and "Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers" UNCHECKED. Per Kindle's guidelines, all PDF's (from Illustrator) must be flattened with no transparencies. It's the only way the files are accepted for publishing with Kindle's (print-on-demand) sevices.

Please avoid the use of REGISTRATION or ALL colors for your Blurb projects. If you include these marks they will appear in your printed book. Registration colors, like crop marks, should NEVER be used.This error occurs when you have used a color of REGISTRATION or ALL within your file.Download your PDF file and re-upload to your Blurb account.Match the settings the in screenshot below.Select Download from the Menu in the upper-right hand corner.If you are getting a preflight error when uploading your Lucidpress-exported PDF, please be sure to follow the directions below for exporting your PDF.
If this solution doesn't apply or does not work for you, you will need to consult your specific application documentation to see how to embed all fonts when creating a PDF file. Click OPTIONS and be sure the PDF/A checkbox is selected.Make sure settings match the image below.Open your MS Word file and choose SAVE AS ADOBE PDF or SAVE AS from the FILE Menu.This error usually occurs from Windows Microsoft® Word® PDF files where the PDF/A format is not selected. When a font is not embedded into a PDF file, or the permissions of that font do not allow for printing of the font, you will see this error. Error: fonts not embedded ( Microsoft Word) Is there any important content placed close to the dotted trim line? (Keep important content at least 1/4 inch away from that dotted line).Ģ.Are all elements in the correct position?.Are your page spreads facing each other?.

Preview your book prior to orderingĪfter uploading your PDF files, prior to ordering, click the PREVIEW BOOK button. Be sure to preview your PDF before uploading as well. Follow these steps if you encounter the error messages below when uploading a PDF to Blurb.